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ESA Banner Rotator - XML Driven

Hits: 436

Creative Images

Hits: 716

Web Wow Audio

Hits: 915

Flash4D v5 Professional Edition

Hits: 913
A creative and effective way
Creative Images is a web tool
Create a customized audio
Look like you spent hours
to add dynamic clickable
designed to easily transform
player in minutes, and it's
designing an awesome Flash
banner advertisements to
an image into an impressive
ready to paste into your
intro when in fact you only
your web pages. This
flash animation. The product
website. Custom colors,
spent 3 minutes with
component reads from a
does not require Macromedia
settings, and complete
Flash4D. Simply select one
simple XML playlist that
Flash or any flash
listener statistics, all
of the professional intro
makes it easy to change your
knowledge. Creative Images
wrapped up in an easy to use
templates included in the
JPG and SWF banners without
can be easily configured
online control panel.
software, customize it with
opening Flash. *
through an XML file and does
Podcast compatible.
your own text, and then
Compatible with Flash 8 and
not require any scripting
click build to have your
MX 2004 * Plays single
knowledge. The product
personalized Flash intro
or multiple JPG or SWF
includes over 50 amazing
created for you. With
banner images from an XML
appearance effects with
Flash4D, you save time by
playlist that controls
customizable durations,
using the professional
banner order, file location,
colors and directions. It
designed templates that are
and hyperlink. * Each
also has lots of other great
included and can create your
banner has a corresponding
features like: customizable
own Flash intros today
link defined in the xml
preloaders, backgrounds,
without Flash.
file, so affiliate and
borders and shadows.
third-party advertisement
Creative Images can be
tracking will not be
easily customized to fit any
affected. * Set the
design. Creative Images
rotating interval time using
also has an online
the component inspector
configurator available where
panel. * Extremely small
you can visually create your
footprint (14kb SWF file)
animated image online and
* Built in API / v2
easily integrate it into
component architecture *
your web page. The
Comprehensive support and
product also includes an
custom development services
advanced version that can be
are available for this
used with dynamic content
due to its support for
server-side technologies.
Creative Images supports 5
of the most used server-side
technologies (PHP, ASP,
ColdFusion, ASP.NET C# and

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: May, 22 2006
A framework designed to
Hoover Web Design's Free
Hoover Web Design's Free
Hoover Web Design's Free
handle the logic for
Flash Sitebuilder will allow
Flash Photo Gallery is
Flash Music Player
custom-written games. It
you to design a beginners
guaranteed to match your
automatically starts and
helps speed development time
Flash Web Site without
website because you can
plays the first song, when
by providing a game world
knowledge any of Macromedia
customize just about
it goes through all of the
that can be extended by
Flash. Build your site
everything. You can
tracks it starts over. The
developers. It's ideal for
online by selecting your
customize: Number of
track title scrolls from the
arcade-style games (i.e.
photo, colors, and text.
photos in gallery (up to
right to the left as long as
Tetris, Pac-man, Space
Your web site will be sent
20) Customize Background
the track plays. If you
Invaders) but can easily be
to you automatically via
color with color
switch tracks the new track
extended to support other
codes Customize Title Color
title scrolls. There is also
with color codes Customize
a time display for the
Your Title Customize
tracks. Knowledge of
navigation arrow color
Macromedia Flash is not
Thumbnails are
necessary and the Flash
automatically created of
program is not required. The
your photos. Just place them
music player is updated via
in a directory and our flash
simple text files. Great for
gallery will read the images
beginners or those needing a
and display them in the
quick Flash solution to add
gallery. Note: The full
music to their website.
versions of the software
allow you to display up to
100 images and more
customization options are

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: May, 14 2006

Date: May, 14 2006

Date: May, 14 2006
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