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XML Flash Slideshow Creator

Hits: 938


Hits: 1061
Anim-FX is a Multiline
The XML Flash Slideshow v2
With the Flex-style UI
This is a cms for flash
Splashscreen creator. With
Extension for Dreamweaver
Components extension for
developers: require some
Anim-FX you can create
allows you to easily create
Flash, you can create Flash
actionscript skills. With
animated text effects - such
Flash Slideshows in
applications that look
it you have the opportunity
as intros, splash screens
Dreamweaver MX, or MX
identical to Flex
to manage any type of
and banners - fast and easy.
2004. You can load any
applications. They are used
advanced dynamic/structural
It is a very compact tool
jpeg images of any size, and
exactly the same way the
contents, utilize it on your
based on a wide range of
any quality. Using the easy
standard UI Components are
website/application and let
animation templates.
to use Insertion Wizard, all
used. Just install the
the clients managing/adding
you have to do is enter in
extension, and drag-n-drop
their's contents. It
the parameters and let the
the components into your
utilize xml as database for
Wizard create the slideshow.
applications from the
contents, and consist of an
For more details, see the
Components Panel. They
advanced Flash application
Usage area, or the Samples
are identical to the
to manage them.
area. The extension has
built-in components, except
many features - here are
they look like Flex UI
just a few of them: *
XML Powered * No
server-side requirements
* Macromedia Flash Display
for aesthetic appeal *
User only must have Flash
Player 7 * Extremely
customizable - Layout,
Fonts, Controls, and more -
see below for more *
Very light-weight - 70KB
download once for entire
site! ? * Easy to use
Edit Wizard allows you to
instantly make changes
* Loads & resizes
images dynamically - View
Samples * Displays
preloader while loading
images - View Samples *
Allows for captions
& hyperlinks on all
images * Layout is XML
based, and can be completely
customized, including
padding * Customizable
dimensions * Image
thumbnails, both
left-to-right or
top-to-bottom *
Customizable control buttons
and labels - View Sample
* Support for MP3
background music, and
customizable volume - View
Sample * Customizable
background color and
transparency *
Customizable control
background color *
Multiple image transitions -
Blinds, Fade, Iris, Photo,
PixelDissolve, Wipe, or
Random * Wizards to
easily make changes *
All text fonts and colors
customizable * Supports
unlimited number of images
* Support for adding an
entire folder of images at
once * Customize the
number images that must load
before the slideshow
starts * Ability to
specify a custom XML source,
static or dynamic! *
Much, Much More! * Only
$12.00 USD

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Apr, 17 2005
Flash animation is easy with
You can have your
This horizontal menu bar
Shuttle MenuBar Style 02 is
KoolMoves. It is ideal for
organization on the web in
component has a shuttling
similar to its sibling
creating animated web pages,
minutes with EventCalendar.
mouse over effect. The
component the Shuttle
banners, navigation systems,
Your members can look up
component utilizes
MenuBar Style 01. Unlike its
and intro pages. It features
events and signup to attend
ActionScript v2
sibling this component's
libraries of text effects
from any internet browser.
architecture. It is easy to
shuttle moves to underscores
templates, web page
This flexible program
use and customize. All
the mouse over selection
templates, vector clip art
provides you with the tools
elements of the menu bar are
instead of highlighting it.
and buttons, action script
you need to create and edit
customizable through the
The component uses
text effects as well as many
your event schedules, and
Component Inspector panel.
ActionScript v2. It is easy
transition effects. For
more, for display on the
Customizable features
to use and customize through
advanced users, it even has
Internet. There's also a
include: * The number of
the Component Inspector.
Flash MX action scripting,
news display feature so you
buttons displayed * Button
Customizable features
dynamic text fields, and
can easily keep your members
labels * Button URLs *
include: * The number of
bones character animation.
informed of important
The link target * The
buttons * Button labels *
It received 5 stars from PC
organizational news. The
caption label * All font
Button URLs * The link
Macromedia Flash calendar is
styles and colors * The
target * The caption label
powerful, attractive, and
color of each GUI element
* All font styles and
Fun to use! Now available
* The shuttle tween speed
colors * The color of each
in MacroMedia's
and ease type * Sound FXs
GUI element * The shuttle
ColdFusion/MS Access OR
can be toggled on or
tween speed and ease type
off. Use the Flash
* Sound FXs can be toggled
Extension Manager to install
on or off. Use the Flash
the component .mxp file.
Extension Manager to install
Once you have restarted
the component .mxp file.
Flash MX 2004, the component
After restarting Flash MX
can be accessed from the
2004, the component can be
Components panel under
accessed from the Components
MJetPax Components. All
panel under MJetPax
customizable features can be
Components. Use the
affected through the
Component Inspector panel or
Component Inspector panel or
ActionScript to
through ActionScript. All
customize. All supporting
information regarding this
information can be found in
component can be found in
the Flash Help
the Flash Help

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Apr, 05 2005

Date: Apr, 05 2005
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