Shuttle MenuBar Style 01Hits: 993
This horizontal menu bar component has a shuttling mouse over effect. The component utilizes ActionScript v2 architecture. It is easy to use and customize. All elements of the menu bar are customizable through the Component Inspector panel. Customizable features include:
* The number of buttons displayed
* Button labels
* Button URLs
* The link target
* The caption label
* All font styles and colors
* The color of each GUI element
* The shuttle tween speed and ease type
* Sound FXs can be toggled on or off.
Use the Flash Extension Manager to install the component .mxp file. Once you have restarted Flash MX 2004, the component can be accessed from the Components panel under MJetPax Components. All customizable features can be affected through the Component Inspector panel or through ActionScript.
All information regarding this component can be found in the Flash Help Panel>>Using MJetPax Extensions>>Using the Shuttle MenuBar Component.
Copyright (c) 2005 TriniTronic. All Rights Reserved.
Platform(s): Windows, Mac OSX
Date: Apr, 05 2005 Author: Monkey JetPax, {
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