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Active Server Flash Standard

Hits: 769


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Hits: 299

tdb DemoScout

Hits: 249
Powerful Macromedia Flash
PhpFlash is conformed by
All-in-one software for
DemoScout captures a
component to create server
series of .php and .as
creating your own Flash
application window every
side professionally looking
files, they are granted
website, Flash PocketPC
time pressing a hotkey.
Flash(swf) from your Active
totally free of charge.
website, Flash electronic
Between these captures the
Server Pages (VBScript and
It's main application is
business cards, Flash email
mouse movement is simulated.
JScript), your PHP scripts.
facilitating the development
commercials, Flash
The result is a FLA (not
Fast, Flexible, Easy to Use,
of simple data queries from
presentation and much more.
SWF), which can be edited in
ASF is a Flash charting and
a database, setting up the
Send and manage your Flash
Flash (4, 5, MX). With this
graphing component for web
query’s parameters from
email campaigns with
its easy to make software
servers and for embedding in
Flash. Supported SQL
tracking. Easy template
applications. By supporting
functions are: Insert,
download from within the
demonstrations, guided tours
UTF8 (Unicode) text strings,
Update, Select and Delete.
software. No programming
or tutorials. Software
ASF can draw canvas with
It’s also able to send
knowleage required. Just
language: German, English,
characters from multiple
html-formatted e-mail, if
point and click. Now
languages. Browser friendly:
allowed by the server.
available as subscription.
No Java are required.
With subscription you get
access to all present and
future templates and editor
upgrades for free. This
includes Websites, Email
Commercials, Presentations,
Tracking, Music Library,
Tutorials and Manuals.

Date: Jan, 28 2003

Date: Dec, 20 2002

Date: Dec, 03 2002

Date: Oct, 25 2002
swf2avi is a tool to convert
Flash News Scroller Wizard is
Bitbull turns Flash and
A flexible and substantial
or batch-convert
a tool that allows you to
Director projectors into a
drag and drop down menu
Flash/Shockwave movies (swf)
design your news scroller in
screensaver plus installer.
creation tool to Flash
to bitmaps, bitmap-sequences
a few minutes and instantly
Options include:
Developers. Using SmartClip
(bmp, jpg) or videos
see the results. Flash News
Customizable settings
technology create complex
(avi). (swf2bmp, swf2jpg,
Scroller is a highly
screen, real ShockWave
dynamic drop down menus in
swf2bitmap, swf2video, swf
configurable vertical text
preview, customizable icon,
minutes that return one or
to avi, swf to video, etc.
scroller and vertical news
customizable installation
multiple field values to
Special feature: swf2avi
ticker. Creating the text
messages, compression,
your movie. You can choose
includes and executes all
scroller will take a few
screensaver uninstaller.
to 'embed' your Headings and
required movies and
minutes using the Flash News
Links, use 'Text Files' or
ActionScripts while
Scroller Wizard. Flash News
query a 'Database' using our
converting the swf movie.
Scroller allows you to
built in PHP intelligence.
change the font color, size,
Use sliders and color
face, style, the background
squares to change colors,
color, speed, the margin
transparency, drop shadows,
height, add URLs with
text size, menu width and
highlighting and more.
more. You can even change
the x,y co-ordinates of the
'Items Group' to show up
anywhere on the page.

Date: Oct, 14 2002

Date: Jul, 29 2002

Date: Jul, 01 2002

Date: Apr, 15 2002
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