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XML Flash Slideshow Creator


XML Flash Slideshow Creator

Hits: 953
The XML Flash Slideshow v2 Extension for Dreamweaver allows you to easily create Flash Slideshows in Dreamweaver MX, or MX 2004. You can load any jpeg images of any size, and any quality. Using the easy to use Insertion Wizard, all you have to do is enter in the parameters and let the Wizard create the slideshow. For more details, see the Usage area, or the Samples area. The extension has many features - here are just a few of them: * XML Powered * No server-side requirements * Macromedia Flash Display for aesthetic appeal * User only must have Flash Player 7 * Extremely customizable - Layout, Fonts, Controls, and more - see below for more * Very light-weight - 70KB download once for entire site! ? * Easy to use Edit Wizard allows you to instantly make changes * Loads & resizes images dynamically - View Samples * Displays preloader while loading images - View Samples * Allows for captions & hyperlinks on all images * Layout is XML based, and can be completely customized, including padding * Customizable dimensions * Image thumbnails, both left-to-right or top-to-bottom * Customizable control buttons and labels - View Sample * Support for MP3 background music, and customizable volume - View Sample * Customizable background color and transparency * Customizable control background color * Multiple image transitions - Blinds, Fade, Iris, Photo, PixelDissolve, Wipe, or Random * Wizards to easily make changes * All text fonts and colors customizable * Supports unlimited number of images * Support for adding an entire folder of images at once * Customize the number images that must load before the slideshow starts * Ability to specify a custom XML source, static or dynamic! * Much, Much More! * Only $12.00 USD
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 18 2005
Author: DWUser.com, http://www.dwuser.com/flashslideshow/


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