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Flash Suite-Quicker+Glanda Suite

Hits: 1459

Fast Gallery

Hits: 1431

CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder

Hits: 1399

Gallery by Shan

Hits: 1365
A flash animation software
Features Over a dozen
CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder
Any image can link to an HTML
bundle for both novice,
options are available for
is a drag and drop program
popup window. This feature
intermediate and
the gallery, located in an
that creates the most
can be disabled in the XML
professional users. You can
external XML configuration
unbelievable Web Forms you
configuration file. Popups
leave all design issues to
file. This file is editable
have ever seen. Add Input
are auto-centered on the
us for we have stored 1000
using any standard text
Boxes, Text Areas, Lists,
user's screen. 100% of the
well-designed resources, 60
editor like Windows Notepad
Drop Down Boxes, Check
Flash 2004 Pro. source code
animation effects, 30
or Textpad. Both color,
Boxes, Radio Buttons and
is included upon purchase,
templates and flexible
text, and layout
more. We use our own cool
including the .fla file and
ActionScript. In the
configuration options are
combination of Flash, XML,
all Actionscript 2.0 class
meanwhile, it’ll meet all
available. 4 different
and PHP; the best part is
files. All options are
your needs in making a
layouts are available: 1, 2,
you don't have to know any
externally configurable in
professional flash movie.
3, and 4 (the
code. Just put in your
an XML file, which can be
You can find all you ever
e-mail address and upload
easily edited using any
hear about – shape design,
parameter). Images for
the files !
standard text editor, like
motion tween creation,
the gallery can be specified
Windows Notepad or TextPad.
guided motion and adding
via the external XML file.
Many interface elements can
stream sound.
The thumbnail path using the
be edited using the XML
"thumb" parameter,
preferences file, including
and the caption text using
several tooltip options and
the "captiontext"
popup window options. view
tag. Any image can also be
Interface text is editable
linked to a popup window,
in the XML file, as well as
which can either be an
font sizes and colors.
external URL (http://
Multiple transition
location) or an image, as it
effects are possible by
is in the demo.
simply changing an option in
"Print" image
the XML file. Transition
option is available. When
effects include
clicked, the operating
system's print window is
automatically opened. This
option can be disabled in
the XML. Auto-scroll for
thumbnails is available
"Squeeze", and
through 2 of the 4 available
"Pixel Dissolve".
layouts. The auto-scroll can
All sounds are externally
be placed either on the
configurable in an XML file,
right or on the left side of
using MP3s. Images and
the gallery layout. Any
image categories are fully
image can be linked to an
configurable in the XML
external popup window by
file. Infinitely-many images
specifying a path in the
are possible in each
"imageurl" tag, in
category, and
the XML configuration
infinitely-many categories
file. 100% of the Flash
are possible. Category
source code is included upon
list automatically scrolls
purchase (the Flash 2004
when many categories are
Pro. file, as well as the
added. Thus, there is no
ActionScript 2.0 classes).
limit to the number of
Thus, if the option isn't
categories that can be added
available in the XML
to the gallery.
configuration file, then you
can always directly edit the
Flash code. Basic
operation of the gallery
involves three files: an
HTML file, a SWF file, and
an XML configuration file.
The idea is that the SWF
loads the XML configuration
file upon startup, to
determine the layout and
settings for the gallery. As
you can see, the SWF is very
light (only about 14 KB).
Fast Gallery is truly one of
the fastest and most poweful
image galleries on the

Date: Dec, 16 2006

Date: Jun, 16 2005

Date: Nov, 23 2005

Date: Jul, 02 2005
The flash movie rotates the
Mindshare Presenter is an
Zinc v2.5 is the industry
The FEX Clock Series are an
object using a sequence of
easy to deploy, dynamic,
leading SWF2EXE application
incredible set of Clock that
images. You can decide how
Flash-based application that
- Create, Build and Deploy
can be personalized with
many images or photographs
allows web designers,
real Desktop Applications
style and elegance in
will make up your
developers, e-learning
based upon the Adobe Flash®
agreement with your
presentation. You can also
content providers, and
Format! Available for
project. Made how
determine the resolution of
others to deliver
Windows, Mac OSX and Pocket
Macromedia Flash component,
the movie or the rotation
compelling, synchronized
PC, Zinc v2.5 is the
it can be used in html
multimedia presentations
fastest, most powerful, most
sites, flash sites or any
online. Presentations
feature-packed Rapid
other related project,
delivered with Mindshare
Application Development tool
without break the project
Presenter can be comprised
for Adobe Flash! Zinc
color palette, FEX Clock is
of images, Adobe Flash SWF
v2.5 empowers your Flash 6,
a small component that will
files, video or audio files,
7, 8 and 9 SWF files with
make difference in you
closed captions, as well as
unrivaled functionality and
project. - Personalize
documents, web pages or
flexibility. Create powerful
colors - Load image -
related files (virtually
Desktop Applications for
Cool Effects - Control
anything you can link to).
Windows with over 800 new
Color Saturation
Mindshare Presenter is a
and extremely powerful
delivery mechanism for your
commands for your Flash
media assets that is easily
projects. Zinc v2.5 can
embedded into any website
completely customize every
with simple HTML. No
aspect of your Application
programming skills are
from size, style, border and
required to use Mindshare
icon, and its powerful
Presenter; yet it easily
scripting support,
integrates with data-driven
{mdm}Script 2.0, allows
websites. Mindshare
unrivaled functionality.
Presenter takes care of
Zinc v2.5 even allows you to
keeping your content in
completely skin your
sync, while offering your
projectors and Application
viewers an attractive,
with over 100 pre-designed
intuitive experience. It is
Skins! Now updated to
highly customizable: simply
include Flash 9,
by editing two configuration
ActionScript 3 and Flex 2
files you can completely
change the look and feel of
a presentation, add,
rearrange or remove content.

Date: Dec, 05 2005

Date: Dec, 16 2006

Date: Oct, 18 2006

Date: Dec, 17 2004
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