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Active Server Flash Standard

Hits: 787

Flash MX DataGrid Add-ons

Hits: 785

Flash Jigsaw Producer

Hits: 783

FlashMaster Creative

Hits: 783
Powerful Macromedia Flash
The FDataGrid Component is
Flash Jigsaw Producer has a
FlashMaster Creative is a
component to create server
made by Macromedia to
comfortable interface and is
multimedia screensaver
side professionally looking
provide developers with a
able to create FLASH puzzle
creator and is a must for
Flash(swf) from your Active
useful tool for displaying
from any BMP, GIF or JPG
any multimedia professional
Server Pages (VBScript and
data in a sortable, editable
image with the size of up to
or flash designer to own,
JScript), your PHP scripts.
grid. However, as provided
2800x2800 pixels. Using the
FlashMaster creates
Fast, Flexible, Easy to Use,
by Macromedia, the DataGrid
additional devise - remote
screensavers from Macromedia
ASF is a Flash charting and
component has many
control - you may rotate
Flash, Director, Adobe Live
graphing component for web
limitations. These Add-ons
puzzle pieces. Also you have
Motion and other top design
servers and for embedding in
get around some of those
the ability to turn them
software apps. It is simple
applications. By supporting
limitations. These
over and create jigsaw on
to use, making the process
UTF8 (Unicode) text strings,
modifications costs $5, and
its reverse side. The size
of building fully
ASF can draw canvas with
include 100% of the source
of the resulting picture
interactive multimedia
characters from multiple
code, as well as the
puzzle, the number and the
screensavers quick and
languages. Browser friendly:
examples illustrated in the
shape of the puzzle pieces
painless. Simply create your
No Java are required.
demo. Features: 1.
are fully customizable.
screensavers using your
Display alternating color
favourite deign/web
rows in a DataGrid, while
technology tools and use
keeping specific columns all
FlashMaster to convert them
a single color. 2.
into working screensavers
Change the colors of
packaged in an executable
specific header backgrounds.
set-up file ready for
Currently, one can change
distribution. Whether it be
the color of the entire
on the Internet, CD-ROM or
header row via the
any other forms of computer
"header" style
media, you are free to
property, but not of any
distribute as many copies
specific one. This feature
your screensaver(s) as you
gets around that
wish, with the unlimited
limitation. 3. Modify
distribution license, which
the cell properties (e.g.
you get as standard with
background color, text
this version of FlashMaster.
style, font properties,
etc.) of any particular cell
in the DataGrid. Currently,
you can only do it for an
entire column, but not for
specific cells. 4. Add
push buttons and radio
buttons to the grid. A
customer event handler has
been added to trap push
button events. 5.
Special "Prefix"
and "Suffix"
formatting can be applied to
any cell to give it a
"format" - e.g.
currency or percentage (see
example #1 for this) 6.
Cells can have formatting
functions associated with
them such that when a user
clicks on a cell, a callback
function defined in the
_root level. In example #1
of the demo, the callback
function reverses the order
of the words in the cell.

Date: Jan, 28 2003

Date: Jul, 02 2005

Date: Oct, 15 2004

Date: Jun, 29 2003
With Amara Flash Menu Maker
StillMotion Creator produces
Premium Photo Album was
The SiteBuilder-FX web based
you can create professional
Ken Burns style animation
designed for users who want
Flash WebSite Builder
Flash buttons and menus for
from still images. The
to display their images on
provides you with an easy
your web site fast and
software mimics the
the web in a method that is
and affordable way to
easily. All the Flash
functionality of an
fast,easy and simple. View
create, edit, and maintain
buttons and Flash menus, you
animation camera stand,
our tutorial, and find out
your own Stunning Multimedia
can now make yourself in
where you can apply pan,
how easy Premium Photo Album
WebSite. The user-friendly
minutes. Create navigation
zoom and rotate moves on
is to setup.
Flash SiteBuilder can be
bars, scrolling menus and
images. The software employs
accessed anytime using only
sub menus in minutes for
keyframes and a familiar
a web browser so you can
your website or Flash
timeline user interface. The
maintain your site 24 hours
project. Amara Flash Menu
completed animation can then
a day, 7 days a week. No FTP
Maker is extremely
be output in multimedia
/ HTML / Flash Knowledge
formats including: SWF as
required to build your
Internet ready AVI, MOV and
others, as high-resolution
media files for professional
video and direct support for
HDTV formats.

Date: Oct, 31 2006

Date: Nov, 02 2003

Date: Jun, 13 2006

Date: Aug, 19 2004
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