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Invoice MX


Invoice MX

Hits: 1010
InvoiceMx is a program designed in Flash for eBay sellers who would like to keep track of what items they are selling and when they sold them. Invoice MX records and prints the quantity of an item, item numbers, what the item is, and how much the buyer paid. It also records the time and date of which the item(s) were purchased. With the option of how many copies you would like (in the print options) why not make 2, one for your customer and one for your own records. Also a great function of this quick and easy program is that it works out the price totals for you, so theres no need for calculators here.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OSX, Sun Solaris
Date: Sep, 23 2005
Author: varStudios.com, http://www.varstudios.com/software/invoicemx


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