This Excel plugin will
Convert many Excel files into
A set of 18 "must
Recovery for PowerPoint
quickly find and remove
PDF format without Adobe
have" Microsoft Outlook
software fixes corrupted
partial, or fuzzy
Acrobat. You must have Excel
2000/XP/2003/2007 add-ins
Microsoft PowerPoint
duplicates, typos,
installed on your machine.
for high-performance and
presentations (.PPT).
misspelled words from your
useful functionality: you
Recovers text, graphics,
Excel worksheets. It
can schedule message
images. Restores
searches for duplicates that
sending; access files from
master-slides. Available for
differ in 1 to 6 characters.
your computer through email;
all modern platforms:
Supports Excel 2003, 2002
manage your contact base;
and 2000.
redirect your messages, and
Date: Apr, 30 2006 Date: Mar, 02 2007 Date: Dec, 12 2006 Date: Nov, 18 2006 |
Invoice statement creation
MacroRunner is a powerful
WebSmartz Web Site Builder
EZ-Forms Express Filler for
with templates / forms. All
Excel add-in that enables
software comes with Website
eforms (visual electronic
your data is stored in an
users to easily automate the
templates, Flash intros,
forms) Fillout, Save,
Access database for quick
process of running Excel
HTML templates, and Flash
Modify, Print, Email,
use. Bills can be produced
macros. You can have macros
templates. WebSmartz is an
FAX(driver required), etc.
and printed in seconds.
run in response to workbook
easy-to-use web page
eforms created with EZ-Forms
Store your company,
or worksheet related events
builder, which can easily
customers, products, and
or as a part of a user
make web pages & create
EZ-Forms Express Designers.
completed invoices for quick
defined function.
a custom website with Flash
Encryption enabled.
Network/Internet compliant.
Date: Mar, 12 2006 Date: Mar, 01 2007 Date: Jun, 01 2005 Date: Mar, 14 2005 |