Worksheet search and
Share/synchronize Microsoft
Texts such as "Kind regards",
Science Helper for Ms Word is
activation add-in for
Outlook Personal Folders
complete letters or other
a software for making
Microsoft Excel. Worksheet
(calendar, contacts,
texts which are often used
physics, chemistry, math
search integrates into the
journal, mail, tasks and
can be saved once in
and electronic graphs of the
Excel toolbar and adds fast
notes) without server.
GhostTyperXML and inserted
high school or scientific
worksheet search using sheet
Create subscriptions for
in the relevant program when
graphs based on Ms Word.
name or a wildcard.
events, contacts lists.
Easily add 1200 Scientific
Share any custom forms of
Graphs & Charts to your
clients' data and mail
word docs.
folders. Create easy your
Date: Jan, 18 2007 Date: Jan, 05 2007 Date: Dec, 07 2004 Date: Dec, 20 2004 |
The Professional Document
Anagnostis is a special
Smartworks-SO Trial software,
Efficient, fast and easy to
capabilities and powerful,
purpose OCR, designed to
is a trial edition of
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meed the needs of people
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much more. More info on
accented characters etc
Date: Mar, 14 2007 Date: Mar, 31 2005 Date: Jul, 29 2005 Date: Sep, 20 2002 |