Save combined mail merge
RegCell is Microsoft Excel
Visio Electrical Stencil and
TextMaker Viewer lets you
documents to individual Word
plugin that automates an
template. Visio shapes for
open, view, and print
import of regular-structured
domestic and light
documents from Microsoft
notifications, such as
industrial electrical
Word, TextMaker,
payments, orders, billing
installations., OpenDocument
and technical reports, news
as well as other common
etc., that you usually
office file formats.
receive by email from mail
Date: Mar, 14 2007 Date: Jul, 13 2005 Date: Jan, 28 2007 Date: Aug, 22 2006 |
KIBase Power Pointer (C) is a
Merge Workbooks is an Excel
ABC Amber PDF Merger is the
- View, Print, Email, FAX
tool that makes your
macro that will combine
award-winning, powerful tool
(driver required), eforms
presentation more effective
several Excel workbooks into
that allows you to easily
(visual electronic forms)
and attractive.
one workbook. The user
split and merge a number of
created with EZ-Forms PRO
selects the workbooks to
PDFs. The split and merge
- Encryption
merge and the macro copies
functionality is based on
enabled. (pw reqd.)
- View
all the worksheets in those
PDF page ranges.
web enabled eforms.
workbooks into a new
note: Adobe Acrobat doesn't
need to be installed.
Date: Dec, 12 2005 Date: Dec, 30 2004 Date: Mar, 08 2007 Date: Mar, 02 2005 |