Collection of over 575
Take Note: Simple, easy to
Virtual printer converting
Alternative to Microsoft
Business Letters and Forms
use, note taking
printed documents into flash
Office compatible with Word
as featured at Use
Add and
(SWF) with navigation
and Excel files ( DOC / XLS
the viewer program to browse
delete notes.
support. Can be used from
). The suite is composed of
the collection and copy any
Save note as text
every program that supports
four applications: a word
letter to the clipboard to
Print out note.
printing (incl. PDF, DOC,
processor, spreadsheet,
paste into your favorite
all notes.
System try
photo editor and digital
word processing program.
Take Note.
photo organizer. Also
Because notes are ment to be
Includes export to Adobe
Acrobat PDF files.
Date: Jun, 17 2006 Date: Aug, 02 2005 Date: Oct, 26 2006 Date: Feb, 15 2006 |
Office to PDF - ein
OpenXML Writer is an
Convert Word, Excel,
MS Excel add-in that helps to
spezielles Werkzeug für die
opensource editor that is
Powerpoint, html, chm, rtf,
prevent entering duplicate
Umwandlung von Dokumenten
able to generate the newly
txt, wri, jpg, gif,
tif to
data while working in Excel.
aus MS-Office-Programmen in
ratified Office OpenXML
PDF files. The program
Duplicate Preventer
Dokumente im PDF-Format,
files (extension .docx). The
supports batch conversion,
integrates into MS Excel by
inklusive die wesentlichen
.docx files can be opened
command line, PDF security
placing its toolbar into the
Eigenschaften einer
and further edited by Word
options, password protection
Excel toolbar area.
2007 and other softwares
and compression modes. The
that support the OpenXML
program has dialog interface.
Date: Jan, 25 2007 Date: Jan, 31 2007 Date: Jan, 24 2007 Date: Dec, 22 2006 |