Subject Search Summarizer
When you are typing in
PDF Manager helps manage,
Show the menus and toolbars
saves your time and
Microsoft Word, the program
control and audit your PDF
again in Microsoft Word
increases your productivity
automatically completes the
See the hidden
2007, as the Word 2003. Just
by creating brief summaries
words considering the first
data you never knew existed
download and install this
of virtually any document or
letters entered.
in your
software, the menu will show
Web page you are reading,
and available.
and also translating them
report on the security
into the language of your
permissions of your
Create customizable
reports in the format you
Date: Jan, 09 2006 Date: Mar, 11 2006 Date: May, 08 2005 Date: Feb, 18 2007 |
Count the number of times a
This easy to use program that
Now type easily in Tamil with
MAPILab Find and Replace for
character appears in a MS
clearly reports where and
TamilPad. Full fledged
Excel is an advanced version
Word doc or text file. The
what the differences are.
wordprocessor for the Tamil
of the "Find and
results can be saved to a
Features: - differences in
language. You can write
Replace" function. The
HTML Analysis report and
letters, articles, or any
add-on has a number of
Visualization reports are
type of documents and even
benefits: simultaneous work
hyperlinked, - Can be used
send Emails in Tamil direct
with several files; saving
as part of an automated
from TamilPad.
and downloading retrieval
process using API (ActiveX)
requests as templates for
reuse and other.
Date: Jan, 10 2007 Date: Apr, 13 2006 Date: Apr, 09 2005 Date: Dec, 29 2006 |