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Office Suites & Tools


Spell Magic

Hits: 468

Star Fax Cover Sheet Creator

Hits: 467
Spell check text, paragraph
Delete / remove formulas in
Most companies have a
Quickly format cell numbers
or document from any
Excel cells and replace them
standard fax cover sheet,
as sig. digits in Microsoft
application, e-mail, editor
with the actual value of the
that is copied over and
Excel. Select a block of
or database; system-wide
cell. This can be applied to
over, then everyone just
cells to change and specify
on-the-fly spell check; over
a block of selected cells
hand writes it out
how many digits to round to.
25 languages, medical,
all at once.
and faxes it out. This
legal. Improved
does not portray a
Compatibility Mode for MS
very professional imagage.
Word, Internet Explorer,
Multiple User
Outlook Express and more.
capabilities. All in one
easy to use package

Date: Oct, 21 2005

Date: Feb, 15 2007

Date: Apr, 01 2005

Date: Oct, 11 2006
Convert many Word files to
Extract multiple email
Quante volte ti e' capitato
New Game Server Monitoring
text files. Word 2000 or
addresses from a newsgroup.
di cercare un CAP, oppure di
& Management
higher required.
Provide news server, login
dover calcolare un codice
System. IpWallMaster is a
and target newsgroup. This
fiscale, o avevi bisogno di
mini-firewall that will
program runs slowly.
un prefisso telefonico?
block or allow Ip traffic by
point-and-click on-the-fly.
IpWallMaster will block or
allow traffic by Ip address,
Ip range, and by protocol.

Date: Mar, 28 2007

Date: Mar, 28 2007

Date: Mar, 06 2007

Date: Jan, 01 2007
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