TextMaker is the only
MEC is an Excel Addin that
Form Filler Pilot is a
JSD for Visio consists of a
desktop-class word processor
compares two Excel workbooks
program that allows you to
stencil, templates and
for Handheld PCs. Imagine
for changes. It scans for
fill in and print forms that
add-on for Visio for the
being able to work on your
added or deleted records as
were previously created with
creation of all Jackson
Microsoft Word documents on
well as changed fields.
Form Pilot Office. Form
diagrams viz. Specification,
the road, keeping content
Filler Pilot is easy to use,
Implementation and
and all formatting intact.
your users will have only to
Structure. Three example
Imagine having a
enter their data and to
diagrams are also included.
full-fledged word processor
click the "Print" command.
on your Handheld PC!
Date: Apr, 01 2003 Date: Aug, 17 2005 Date: Mar, 07 2007 Date: Mar, 05 2007 |
Graphcat Clip Art
Shrink, trim, decrease,
Combine cells in Excel.
An advanced utility which
Cataloger-32 bit v5.4
compress the filesize of
Select many cells and have
helps you convert your WK1
art & photo cataloger
your big Word documents.
them put into one. Instead
(Lotus 1-2-3) files to any
for WordPerfect
7 to 12 and
Some Word files do not
of having data that spans
format you wish (XLS, DBF,
X3. Includes CD-ROM support,
reduce as well as others so
over multiple columns, this
page size selection,
results may vary. You must
add-in automatically joins
RTF, HLP, DOC, and many
extension hiding, directory
have Word installed on your
the content in each column
more). Supports a batch
searching, uses all
and puts them into one. The
conversion, a run from
graphics formats
same goes for rows.
command line, more than 50
by WordPerfect.
Date: Apr, 25 2006 Date: Nov, 24 2006 Date: Apr, 20 2006 Date: Mar, 03 2007 |