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Office Suites & Tools


SharePoint Scanner Plug-in

Hits: 592

Agenda Mx 2005

Hits: 592

ConceptDraw VI Pro Mac

Hits: 586

TextMaker for FreeBSD

Hits: 586
Paper documents can be
Agenda MX was designed to let
ConceptDraw is a
If you want your word
scanned on a document
you manage your timetable
comprehensive business and
processor (a) to provide all
scanner and sent to specific
in a simple and pleasant
technical diagramming
the features of a modern
locations in SharePoint for
way. This diary also
software with advanced
high-end word processor, (b)
storage and ongoing document
integrates a monthly
drawing tools, task-specific
to seamlessly read and write
lifecycle management.
calendar, an annual calendar
wizards and extensive
Microsoft Word documents,
as well as an address book.
libraries of ready-made
and (c) to be available on
multiple platforms, look no
further: TextMaker is here!

Date: Nov, 30 2006

Date: Jan, 01 2005

Date: Dec, 16 2006

Date: Oct, 09 2003
novaPDF Server Std allows you
Create WEB form that looks
Add-on for advanced table
Write and modify your text
to easily create PDF files.
and functions the same as
merging and data
with a complete suite of
It installs as a printer
your Excel spreadsheet. No
consolidating in MS Excel
applications: EditExt,
driver, enabling you to
programming needed. Supports
2000-2007. Advanced
ExactWord, Word Spring
print from any Windows
175 Excel-functions. Use it
Consolidation Manager will
(spell check, Thesaurus
application. Features
for expense report, survey,
allow you to process any
& Definitions). Improved
include: customizable
order form, application,
number of files per one
Compatibility Mode enhances
resolution, embed fonts,
financial advisor, ROI. Live
program run as well as to
spell checking Microsoft
private or public profiles,
line, bar, pie charts!
combine data from different
Word, Internet Explorer,
printer sharing ...
files in one.
Outlook Express and more.

Date: Feb, 28 2007

Date: Aug, 21 2005

Date: Dec, 29 2006

Date: Oct, 21 2005
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