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Office Suites & Tools


XLS Regenerator

Hits: 485


Hits: 483


Hits: 479
XLS Regenerator allows
Change First Last to Last,
Finally, an add-on for Word
PowerTOC is the easiest way
recovering Microsoft Excel
First and Last, First to
automates faxing using any
to create and maintain Table
documents even in the most
First Last. This program
fax program on the market.
of Contents slides on
desperate situations. It
handles middle initials and
WordFax automates faxing and
Microsoft PowerPoint.
supports all versions of FAT
suffixes (Jr, Sr, III, etc.).
printing hard copies all
and NTFS and regenerates
within Word for Windows.
documents even from lost,
deleted partitions and
reformatted disks.

Date: Feb, 02 2005

Date: Jan, 17 2007

Date: Dec, 08 2004

Date: Feb, 26 2007
WebAsyst Quick Notes is a
The ITSM Excellerator
Archivarius 3000 is a
Share and synchronize
web-based online notepad
provides tactical tools and
full-featured application to
Microsoft Outlook Personal
where you can jot down all
deliverables to help
search documents and e-mails
Folders (calendar, contacts,
kinds of notes and memos,
accelerate ITIL based
on the desktop computer,
journal, mail, tasks and
organize them in folders and
service support &
your LAN and removable
notes) without a server.
share those folders with
delivery assessments,
drives (CD, DVD), with quick
Synchronize Microsoft
your team.
measurement activities and
review and documents
Outlook data (.pst) between
improvement initiatives.
printing tools, remote
multiple PCs using external
searching and accessing via
USB device, shared network
the Internet.
folder or FTP.

Date: May, 20 2005

Date: Jan, 15 2006

Date: Mar, 20 2007

Date: Feb, 15 2007
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