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Customer Support



Hits: 987


Hits: 879
myKB is a professional
CRMdesk is a web-based help
ProvideSupport is an online
Are you taking advantage of
Knowledge Base application
desk software that allows
service that allows you to
suggestions from your
that easily and simply
customer support automation
chat with your website
employees and customers?
integrates into your
through Internet; you will
visitors, enabling you to
With eSuggestions you will
website. All data for your
be able to respond to your
give instant online customer
save time organizing
knowledge base is easily
customer's requests more
support and proactively sell
valuable suggestions by
handled with an
effectively and will have
your product. This
allowing employees to log in
administration control
better success in attracting
web-hosted system means you
and rate suggestions in
center. "Admin"
new customers. The system
don’t have to worry about
addition to commenting on
accounts have access to your
is deployed as a
server capacity, bandwidth
whether they are worth
myKB.com settings,
cost-effective hosted
usage, system upgrades and
implementing or not.
"Editor" accounts
solution, so it won't
other issues. An optional
have access to edit and
require big investments. You
web-based operator console
approve your knowledge base
will never have a headache
allows you to monitor your
content, and
with all the technical
website for chat requests
"Reader" accounts
problems like security,
24/7 from any location, from
have access to view internal
reliability and maintenance
any system connected to the
only information. myKB has
Internet. The system
multiple levels of security
supports 128-bit SSL
to track both your internal
encryption and features
and external information.
visitor monitoring with
All your product information
geographic location
will be organized,
identification, proactive
searchable, and easy to
chat, operator-to-operator
navigate for your customers.
chats, and automatic chat
Now your employee policies
transcript emailing. Very
and procedures, 401K
easy to set up -just paste a
documentation, phone
small HTML snippet into your
extension lists, and other
web page source code. No
private information can be
plug-ins or software
distributed in an organized
installation required on
fashion to your employees.
customer’s side. Fully
customizable. No setup fee,
no contracts, and no hidden

Date: Dec, 14 2001

Date: Nov, 11 2005

Date: Jul, 19 2005

Date: Mar, 20 2005
Aczena SiteChat allows you to
iHelp - online sales and
Get a 100% Free, remotely
Fully automated Web based
have real time chat
customer support for your
hosted online help desk
help desk service. Features:
conversations with the
web site iHelp offers a
customer support solution.
unique ticket number
visitors on your site.
timely and cost-effective
Provide a superior level of
assigned to every request,
Aczena SiteChat requires no
solution to communicate live
customer service for your
unlimited forwarding for
installations and is
with your web site visitors
visitors through our web
escalation and additional
provided on an Application
at the right time,
based help desk software.
info requests, chat style
Service Provider basis.
converting them into loyal
Instead of just
comments to facilitate
customers and building
letting customers email you
internal correspondence,
strong, long-lasting
with their support requests,
automated FAQ maintenance,
why not have them open a
templates based
relationships How iHelp
support ticket on a
customization, easy setup
works for your web site
professional online help
and more.
operators - The web site
desk. That way you
operators will see in
can manage and prioritize
real-time extensive details
your customer support issues
about all the visitors
to provide a much higher
browsing your web site
level of customer service.
monitored pages. - The
Effective customer
operators can send a
relationship management is
proactive chat invitation to
critical for your website
any web site visitor, or the
and a having professional
visitor can click the live
online help desk is an
chat button on your web
integral part of any CRM
pages to request online
solution. Best of all
assistance. - The
web based helpdesk solution
operator will chat with the
only takes a few minutes to
visitor, or he can
get and up running. Create
transparently redirect the
and account, perform some
chat to another operator;
basic configuration, create
all the chats are
a link on your website to
automatically recorded for
your online helpdesk and you
future reference. How
are ready to go. With
iHelp works for your web
unlimited groups, users and
site visitors - When
a built in message center
your web site visitors need
for your staff its easy to
help, they can click on the
organize, prioritize,
iHelp live chat buttons
coordinate and execute
embedded in your web site
on time critical customer
pages. - A new chat
support issues. Remember
window will open on the
happy visitors are repeat
visitor's browser, and one
visitors. Not running an
of the web site operators
ecommerce website? No
will be notified of the
problem, our online help
visitor's chat request.
desk software is great for
- If none of the web
any website, whether you
site operators is online or
just want to have a SPAM
all of them are busy, the
free way to communicate with
visitor will be prompted to
your visitors or you want
leave you an offline
to provide professional
message. Start using
after sales support,
iHelp in three easy steps
HelpDeskEngine makes it
- Register for an iHelp
easy and very affordable.
account and receive a 30
days free trial period;
- Login to your iHelp
account to copy the iHelp
HTML tags in your web pages;
- Install the iHelp
Operator application to
answer chats and manage

Date: Apr, 18 2001

Date: Aug, 20 2004

Date: Aug, 11 2005

Date: Jan, 25 2002
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