Make all your webpages search
binarycloud is a platform for
Translate your site using the
This short tutorial will
engine friendly by
rapidly developing complex
Alta Vista Translatation
guide you through a
converting them to *.htm
web applications. It
service. With this simple
hypothetical process of
files. (Requires mod_rewrite
includes basic services like
script you can use your Web
adding a movie rating system
on your server.) Touches
authentication, permissions,
design. Written in Spanish.
to a movie database site.
upon regular expressions.
a template engine, database
Goes over the PHP code and
abstraction etc., an
MySQL queries.
extensive collection of
libraries, and a framework
for configuring the system
and building your own logic.
This tutorial step-by-step
explains how to install it
in details.
Date: Feb, 05 2005 Date: Feb, 16 2001 Date: Jun, 12 2002 Date: Jan, 19 2005 |
Keep track of existing staff
A very easy tutorial with
This tutorial will show you
Use PHP and the HTTP protocol
and increase new staff
code included that shows you
how to setup your own
to send text-messages from
hiring efficiency with
how to convert keyboard
virtual based domain from
your website through an SMS
Staffing Software.
chars input to icon or image
home on your high speed
output. For instance how to
connection. We'll introduce
make :) a smiley face.
you to a couple of great
services out there that
allow you to setup your own
website without the need to
pay for web hosting. Keep in
mind that this may impact
your home internet
connection depending on what
type of internet connection
you are using. The intent of
this tutorial is to show you
how to setup a development
server that is accessible by
the outside world.
Date: May, 03 2004 Date: Apr, 07 2003 Date: Aug, 05 2002 Date: May, 12 2005 |