
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Log Chat in an IRC Channel

Hits: 194

PHP and Background Processes

Hits: 194

PHP Programming Goodies

Hits: 184
This tutorial builds on my
Learn how to send PHP to the
Search engine Web spiders,
PHP Programming Goodies page.
tutorial that exaplins hwo
background while you do
however, tend to ignore
Here you will find code,
to create an IRC Bot that
other things. Great for mass
pages whose URL contains GET
examples, tips, and tricks.
was written in PHP. I tell
mailing, number crunching,
method parameters. This
you how to log chats in a
article explains how to use
channel to a file or to a
your Web server to pass
database. Even both, if you
parameters to PHP scripts so
want. You can later analyze
that it fools search
these logs to create stats
engines, and allows your
about your channel!
page to be indexed when it
would otherwise be ignored.

Date: Aug, 20 2004

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Jul, 10 2001

Date: Dec, 18 2003
This is a way to scramble or
This article will attempt to
While a great part of the web
Make php apps with highly
shuffle a string. It grabs
demonstrate how to connect
is in English, if you are
advanced user interfaces
the first word in a sentence
to an LDAP server using PHP.
targeting a worldwide
that are both cross-platform
and it scrambles each word
Specifically, the example
audience, then neither
and useful. The example is
given will connect to a
English nor Esperanto alone
of a desktop clock and mysql
public LDAP server and
is an option. This article
monitor, but can be adapted
perform searches. This
gives a brief overview on
to almost anything.
example closely mimics the
several different ways to
way NetscapeŽ Communicator
deliver content in both
4.* uses its address book to
English and Spanish, and a
connect to LDAP resources.
third language.

Date: Aug, 30 2004

Date: Feb, 16 2001

Date: Feb, 16 2001

Date: Jun, 25 2004
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