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Templating - the correct way

Hits: 629

Simple Localization with PHP

Hits: 623

CSS Style Switcher

Hits: 609
Learn how to execute your PHP
A short article on a fresh
On PHP DevCenter, Adam
Tutorial that explains how to
scripts using CRON by set
look at templating, the
Trachtenberg and Joao Prado
allow your website visitors
time intervals that you
correct way. Forget Smarty,
Maia have described
to select different CSS
choose. Very valuable for
forget Savant, this is how
interesting ways to localize
style sheets (or themes)
running routine tasks that
you do it!
web sites with PHP. In this
were written into a PHP
article I've offered another
alternative, which should be
easy for non-programmers to
use. We will take advantage
of the user function
setstring function.

Date: Aug, 14 2002

Date: Mar, 14 2006

Date: Dec, 23 2002

Date: Jan, 05 2006
In this tutorial, you'll
If you need the data of an
As more and more Web pages
Just short code snippets on
learn how to make a script
array displayed in 2 rows.
become database-driven and
alternating colors for rows
that changes the layout of
Then this code snippet is
dynamic, it will be
and columns. Remove NOSPAM
your site according to the
just for you. You can change
important that Web browsers
to email me
users preference. They can
to 3 or more rows easy.
display the most up-to-date
choose how they want to view
information available from
your site.
your site. The author notes
"For those who have
been in the PHP field for
some time, dealing with this
issue is nothing new. The
problem itself has nothing
to do with PHP at all.
Rather, it is the client's
browser that is the
source." This article
addresses such topics as PHP
and Browser Caches and Cache
Controlling Headers.

Date: Feb, 03 2006

Date: Aug, 19 2002

Date: Mar, 12 2001

Date: Apr, 08 2002
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