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German guide for vlibTemplate

Hits: 267
If you want to seperate
Shows how to make functions,
This tutorial will show you
Not so very long ago adding a
PHP-code from HTML-code, you
read files, and preg match
how to load a flat file and
graph or chart to a web page
need some kind of template
things all in one.
parse text to highlight or
or application required a
system. vlibTemplate
even censor out a word in
fair amount of programming
provides such a system. This
knowledge and was rather
is a detailed german guide
time consuming for even the
for vlibTemplate. It
most experienced. However
contains 3 examples for
with the tools available
simlple templates and 3
today it is possible for
examples for loops/blocks.
almost anyone to add graphs
and charts to web pages.
With just a little bit of
HTML, dynamically generated
graphs and charts can be
added to web pages and/or

Date: Aug, 05 2002

Date: Oct, 08 2004

Date: Aug, 20 2003

Date: Dec, 05 2005
The full URL to a page comes
In this tutorial we'll learn
This tutorial will show you
If you need the data of an
in three parts: The domain
how to install phpLD (pho
how to get the IP of the
array displayed in 2
name, the path to the file
Link Directory), the free
person viewing your site.
columns. Can be easily
then the filename, and the
version, from downloading
modified for more than 2.
query string. For example,
the script to the last
take the URL
settings to make it work.
ample/page.php?name=Bob: 1.
The domain name:
www.example.com; 2. The
path to the page:
/example/page.php; 3. The
query string: name=Bob So
how do you find it all out
in your own PHP
scripts? This guide will
tell you how access each of
these elements by using the
$_SERVER superglobal array
which is available at all
times within your PHP

Date: Dec, 10 2006

Date: Jan, 07 2007

Date: Jan, 06 2005

Date: May, 05 2003
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