This tutorial describes a
PHP pages have a reputation
A brief tutorial on how to
This tutorial and its other
PHP-Nuke Function to
of being more difficult (or
determine the browser type
installements will the
restrict access by page as
at least different) to SEO
of your user on load.
various aspects of how to
public or private. The
than static HTML pages.
Develope State-enabled
function pageStatus(); is
Here’s an overview of the
Applications With PHP.
called on the top (or inside
major issues encountered
your root level header, not
when trying to make PHP
the themes header) of all
scripts rank well. While
pages. This will allow you
this focuses on PHP much of
to deifne in your admin
it is still relevant to
panel specifc pages and urls
dynamic pages in general.
that you want to have a
particular viewing status.
It explains a few ways to go
about defining which pages
to have the
"public" or
"private" status.
Also the code for the
function is available.
Date: May, 29 2001 Date: Dec, 29 2003 Date: Jul, 15 2002 Date: Jul, 30 2005 |
Metatags are a way for you to
Learn how to display the
Learn how to displays a users
Need to generate style sheets
define your web page and web
filename of the script which
IP address.
dynamically with PHP to keep
site to the outside world.
is currently running.
presentaion logic together
You can declare the title,
or create environment aware
keywords and description,
style sheets with PHP and
which help your placement in
JavaScript? This tutorial
search engines. In addition,
shows you how!
you can specify who owns the
copyright, how often the
page is to be visited by
search engines and many
other useful pieces of
Date: Jun, 11 2006 Date: Jul, 30 2005 Date: Aug, 11 2005 Date: Apr, 19 2005 |