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/** Search */



metatag generator

Hits: 1012


Hits: 379

Native Language Support

Hits: 160
This is a simple metatag
Learn how to turn
While a great part of the web
When you write a PHP script
generator that could be
050309112684 into 09/03/05
is in English, if you are
and want to distribute it,
placed on any php site .
11:26:48 using the substr()
targeting a worldwide
it must still fall under
function in php.
audience, then neither
some legal terms. The GNU
English nor Esperanto alone
GPL is the best method to
is an option. This article
get your work out into the
gives a brief overview on
world, and of course as open
several different ways to
source software.
deliver content in both
English and Spanish, and a
third language.

Date: Feb, 01 2004

Date: Mar, 30 2005

Date: Feb, 16 2001

Date: Jul, 29 2002
Do you have a script that
JavaScript is mainly used as
A printable PDF PCRE regular
PEAR's HTML_BBCodeParser
takes a while to process?
a client side scripting
expressions cheat sheet.
package is a BBCODE parser.
Wanna start outputting
language, while PHP is a
Featuring: functions and
This tutorial will teach you
before the entire script
server side technology.
their arguments, base
how to use it.
finishes processing? Learn
Unlike Java or ASP.Net, PHP
character classes, meta
how to use PHP output
doesn't have tools to make
characters, quantifiers,
buffering functions and have
it work client side. That is
pattern modifiers, point
them actually work! Don't
why you need to combine
based assertions and
make your visitors wait for
JavaScript and PHP scripts
subpattern modifiers and
a long script to process.
to develop powerful

Date: Jul, 10 2005

Date: Sep, 28 2006

Date: Mar, 14 2006

Date: Sep, 23 2005
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