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Pear Module: HTML_CSS

Hits: 756

Pear Module: HTML_Page

Hits: 483

PHP & Java

Hits: 214
HTML_Page is a PEAR package
This PEAR tutorial will teach
The author notes "The
Generator which can be used
which is an XHTML Page
you how to use PEAR's Finest
Java extension is an
in combination with
Generator. This tutorial
Templating engine:
extremely exciting tool. By
HTML_Page. This tutorial
will teach you all about it
learning how to use this
teaches you how to use
and how to use it.
module, you can extend PHP
by the power of all
available Java classes. To
show you the basics of the
Java extension, this article
will cover installation and
a few code examples of using
PHP and Java together."

Date: Sep, 23 2005

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Sep, 23 2005

Date: Jan, 04 2001
Reference counting is one of
Learn how to send PHP to the
Listing of more then 100
This routine calculates the
the hottest new features in
background while you do
Articles on Php Including
distance between two points.
PHP 4. It reduces the memory
other things. Great for mass
tips,tricks,how like
It is being used to
consumption of your PHP
mailing, number crunching,
1.Apache, MySQL & PHP
calculate the distance
applications, improves
for Windows 2.Creating
between two locations using
performance, and provides
Dynamic Website Content with
GeoDataSource Products
you with some sophisticated
PHP - MySQL 3.PHP Server to
programming tools. To get
Client with No Refresh.
the most out of this new PHP
4.Some PHP functions you
4 feature, it's important to
must know 5.PHP &
understand exactly how it
Dynamic Content
works and how it differs
from PHP 3. Topics include:
Data values in PHP 3, What
is reference counting,
Advantages of reference
counting, Reference counting
in PHP 4, Aliasing: added
language flexibility in PHP
4, and How will reference
counting effect you?.

Date: Apr, 12 2000

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Oct, 05 2006

Date: Aug, 16 2006
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