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/** Search */



In 2 Rows

Hits: 596

Ip Logger

Hits: 905
If you need the data of an
This is a brief tutorials on
As more and more Web pages
A very easy tutorial with
array displayed in 2 rows.
knowing about visitor's IP,
become database-driven and
code included that shows you
Then this code snippet is
after learning this
dynamic, it will be
how to convert keyboard
just for you. You can change
tutorials i hope this
important that Web browsers
chars input to icon or image
to 3 or more rows easy.
tutorial will help you alot
display the most up-to-date
output. For instance how to
in your future Php scripts.
information available from
make :) a smiley face.
Like guestbooks etc. like in
your site. The author notes
guestbook if you want to
"For those who have
index visitors ip's, you
been in the PHP field for
must follow this tutorial...
some time, dealing with this
issue is nothing new. The
problem itself has nothing
to do with PHP at all.
Rather, it is the client's
browser that is the
source." This article
addresses such topics as PHP
and Browser Caches and Cache
Controlling Headers.

Date: Aug, 19 2002

Date: Feb, 13 2006

Date: Mar, 12 2001

Date: Apr, 07 2003
This tutorial builds on my
this script will
Here, you will find tips on
Shows how to calculate an
tutorial that exaplins hwo
automatically set up tables
how to work around some
average of ratings example,
to create an IRC Bot that
in a database upon pushing
common problems that may
given the accumulated total
was written in PHP. I tell
the install button, it's
occur when inserting PHP
of all ratings and the total
you how to log chats in a
great for developers who
code within pages on
number of votes.
channel to a file or to a
want to make the
Microsoft Front Page.
database. Even both, if you
instalations for users fast,
want. You can later analyze
easy, quick, and totally
these logs to create stats
about your channel!

Date: Aug, 20 2004

Date: Jun, 07 2006

Date: Jul, 29 2000

Date: Jan, 05 2000
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