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Single and double quotes

Hits: 576
Do you know that double
Very simple and effective
The full URL to a page comes
A small code sample that will
quotes have an impact on the
AJAX tutorial and code
in three parts: The domain
count through the sentences
execution speed of your PHP
library. All open source
name, the path to the file
in a section of text and
script ? Find out why in
and completely free to use.
then the filename, and the
show how many words are
some cases it is better to
query string. For example,
contained within it.
use single quotes.
take the URL
ample/page.php?name=Bob: 1.
The domain name:
www.example.com; 2. The
path to the page:
/example/page.php; 3. The
query string: name=Bob So
how do you find it all out
in your own PHP
scripts? This guide will
tell you how access each of
these elements by using the
$_SERVER superglobal array
which is available at all
times within your PHP

Date: Sep, 23 2002

Date: May, 25 2006

Date: Dec, 10 2006

Date: Mar, 10 2004
A simple way to check if a
This article explain about
Learn how to use the sqrt()
How to parse any RSS feed
link is working or broken.
where to find freelance jobs
function in PHP to find out
using the Magpie PHP class.
related to PHP and MySQL.
the square root of a number.
Also included some tips for
freelancers or a wanna-be

Date: Aug, 19 2002

Date: Oct, 01 2004

Date: Sep, 23 2005

Date: Oct, 02 2004
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