As more and more Web pages
Very simple and effective
Do you know that double
A small code sample that will
become database-driven and
AJAX tutorial and code
quotes have an impact on the
count through the sentences
dynamic, it will be
library. All open source
execution speed of your PHP
in a section of text and
important that Web browsers
and completely free to use.
script ?
Find out why in
show how many words are
display the most up-to-date
some cases it is better to
contained within it.
information available from
use single quotes.
your site. The author notes
"For those who have
been in the PHP field for
some time, dealing with this
issue is nothing new. The
problem itself has nothing
to do with PHP at all.
Rather, it is the client's
browser that is the
source." This article
addresses such topics as PHP
and Browser Caches and Cache
Controlling Headers.
Date: Mar, 12 2001 Date: May, 25 2006 Date: Sep, 23 2002 Date: Mar, 10 2004 |
A simple way to check if a
Learn how to use the sqrt()
Need to generate style sheets
This article explain about
link is working or broken.
function in PHP to find out
dynamically with PHP to keep
where to find freelance jobs
the square root of a number.
presentaion logic together
related to PHP and MySQL.
or create environment aware
Also included some tips for
style sheets with PHP and
freelancers or a wanna-be
JavaScript? This tutorial
shows you how!
Date: Aug, 19 2002 Date: Sep, 23 2005 Date: Apr, 19 2005 Date: Oct, 01 2004 |