This tutorial will show you
Sample PHP codes for
Enter a URL and results will
An introduction to making
how to make a script to see
alternating background
display all links on that
ajax requests with the
who has seen your AOL
images in a table for rows
URL by matching the strings
prototype javascript
Instant Messenger profile.
and columns.
'http', 'file', and ftp. A
library. The article covers
while loop executes for each
all important aspects of
result and returns the url
AJAX requests, as well as
using printf.
uses a live-search as a
practical example.
Date: Mar, 04 2004 Date: Apr, 08 2002 Date: Aug, 20 2002 Date: Aug, 31 2006 |
COM allows the reuse of code
If you want to seperate
Here, you will find tips on
Put some logic in your pages
written in any language.
PHP-code from HTML-code, you
how to work around some
with PHP. Minimize the
This tutorial explains how
need some kind of template
common problems that may
hassles for yourself and
to read records from
system. vlibTemplate
occur when inserting PHP
your users. This
ms-access database through
provides such a system. This
code within pages on
step-by-step tutorial shows
php. COM functions are only
is a detailed german guide
Microsoft Front Page.
examples of how PHP can be
available on the Windows
for vlibTemplate. It
used for site navigation.
version of php. In order to
contains 3 examples for
run this script you should
simlple templates and 3
have com.allow_dcom has to
examples for loops/blocks.
be set to true in php.ini.
Date: Mar, 15 2002 Date: Aug, 05 2002 Date: Jul, 29 2000 Date: Oct, 02 1999 |