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Email verfication script

Hits: 908

Ip Logger

Hits: 905
Not so very long ago adding a
Learn how to count the words
Here is a pre build php
This is a brief tutorials on
graph or chart to a web page
from a string using php.
function free for you to use
knowing about visitor's IP,
or application required a
in your own sites, this
after learning this
fair amount of programming
will check the string you
tutorials i hope this
knowledge and was rather
run though it and check that
tutorial will help you alot
time consuming for even the
its a vailid email address.
in your future Php scripts.
most experienced. However
Like guestbooks etc. like in
with the tools available
guestbook if you want to
today it is possible for
index visitors ip's, you
almost anyone to add graphs
must follow this tutorial...
and charts to web pages.
With just a little bit of
HTML, dynamically generated
graphs and charts can be
added to web pages and/or

Date: Dec, 05 2005

Date: May, 08 2006

Date: Dec, 20 2006

Date: Feb, 13 2006
Tutorial and sample codes to
If you use a form on your
If you need the data of an
This tutorials is about
calculate the distance
site then you'll know that
array displayed in 2
making your own Shoutbox,
between two locations. Free
user input can often have
columns. Can be easily
without download other free
sample source codes in PHP,
white space before or after
modified for more than 2.
trial version ones, plus try
ASP, ColdFusion, C/C++, C#,
the text as the person
this tutorial make your own
Java, Perl, Visual Basic and
filling in the form field
shoutbox and feel free to
Javascript. Longitude and
sometimes accidentally adds
add your website name. Enjoy!
latitude for United States
spaces. This handy function
ZIP Code and Canadian Postal
will remove the whitespace
Code are available in
from the beginning or end of
database subscription.
the string.

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Mar, 10 2004

Date: May, 05 2003

Date: Feb, 13 2006
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