
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Dictionary of HTML META Tags

Hits: 1712

Make A Automatic Install File

Hits: 424

Conversion into roman numbers

Hits: 681
Metatags are a way for you to
this script will
A php tutorial that shows how
Very simple and effective
define your web page and web
automatically set up tables
to use while cycle to
AJAX tutorial and code
site to the outside world.
in a database upon pushing
convert a number into roman
library. All open source
You can declare the title,
the install button, it's
and completely free to use.
keywords and description,
great for developers who
which help your placement in
want to make the
search engines. In addition,
instalations for users fast,
you can specify who owns the
easy, quick, and totally
copyright, how often the
page is to be visited by
search engines and many
other useful pieces of

Date: Jun, 11 2006

Date: Jun, 07 2006

Date: May, 27 2006

Date: May, 25 2006
This tutorial will start
Learn how to count the words
An article describing how to
A short article on a fresh
introducing the array
from a string using php.
use caching to dramatically
look at templating, the
concept by creating them
increase your websites
correct way. Forget Smarty,
from info in a table. It
performance. The code is
forget Savant, this is how
will be shown how to display
available from the same site.
you do it!
data from the array. Two
additional examples will be
used to show how to create
arrays from strings, and how
to perform simple keyword

Date: May, 25 2006

Date: May, 08 2006

Date: Mar, 14 2006

Date: Mar, 14 2006
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