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Hits: 408

PHP password generation

Hits: 1299

Email verfication script

Hits: 908
In this tutorial we'll learn
Setup your own RSS feed that
Modern web-applications often
Here is a pre build php
how to install phpLD (pho
pulls data from your
provide (during
function free for you to use
Link Directory), the free
PHP/MySQL-driven web site.
registration, or
in your own sites, this
version, from downloading
Use PHP to create the
will check the string you
the script to the last
XML/RSS document RSS Readers
random-generated passwords
run though it and check that
settings to make it work.
require to inform visitors
for its users. However these
its a vailid email address.
of your web site database's
passwords (usually a random
content updates.
combination of letters or
numbers) are quite hard to
remember: in fact, it's even
impossible to read them.
This article provides a
function for generating
English-like readable

Date: Jan, 07 2007

Date: Dec, 25 2006

Date: Dec, 24 2006

Date: Dec, 20 2006
Scheduling events to run at
The full URL to a page comes
Did you know that require()
What is the biggest time
certain times can be a
in three parts: The domain
and include() work
saver for a programmer? Good
useful feature. You may
name, the path to the file
differently? Both are used
specs definitely help. A
want to backup your database
then the filename, and the
for including code in
well-architected framework
or update a set of files you
query string. For example,
another file into your
doesn't hurt either. Add
have cached on your server
take the URL
program, but there is a
your favorite here: a
or perform any number of
crucial difference in how
competent debugger? Extreme
other resource intensive
ample/page.php?name=Bob: 1.
they operate when that file
Programing? Whatever. At the
tasks. You can manually
The domain name:
cannot be read which any PHP
end of the day, the largest
visit the page and this
www.example.com; 2. The
programmer needs to know
gain comes from writing less
works fine if you have a
path to the page:
about. There's also a slight
code for the same task...
good memory, it isn't time
/example/page.php; 3. The
difference with require()
critical and it doesn't need
query string: name=Bob So
between new and older
to be run several times a
how do you find it all out
versions of PHP which this
day. If you and your
in your own PHP
tutorial discusses too.
task don't fit into all
scripts? This guide will
those categories (and even
tell you how access each of
if you do but have better
these elements by using the
things to do with your time)
$_SERVER superglobal array
a better alternative will be
which is available at all
to run your script using
times within your PHP
cron. In this article I
list the options for
scheduling a task to run
periodically and I go into
detail on running a script
with cron.

Date: Dec, 19 2006

Date: Dec, 10 2006

Date: Dec, 10 2006

Date: Dec, 01 2006
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