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phpCrontab Tutorial Tool

Hits: 141

Simple Localization with PHP

Hits: 623

Single and double quotes

Hits: 576
One of the biggest problems
A very easy tutorial with
On PHP DevCenter, Adam
Do you know that double
in the use of scheduled jobs
code included that shows you
Trachtenberg and Joao Prado
quotes have an impact on the
via the Unix cron is
how to convert keyboard
Maia have described
execution speed of your PHP
remembering the syntax for
chars input to icon or image
interesting ways to localize
script ? Find out why in
scheduling individual jobs.
output. For instance how to
web sites with PHP. In this
some cases it is better to
The phpCrontab Tutorial tool
make :) a smiley face.
article I've offered another
use single quotes.
allows the user to input
alternative, which should be
preferred timeframes for the
easy for non-programmers to
associated command, and will
use. We will take advantage
produce a line that can be
of the user function
copied/pasted straight into
setstring function.
your crontab.

Date: Apr, 23 2003

Date: Apr, 07 2003

Date: Dec, 23 2002

Date: Sep, 23 2002
Enter a URL and results will
A simple way to check if a
A spimple script to split one
If you need the data of an
display all links on that
link is working or broken.
url into parts. For example
array displayed in 2 rows.
URL by matching the strings
if you need the domain only,
Then this code snippet is
'http', 'file', and ftp. A
or the request string this
just for you. You can change
while loop executes for each
would be very helpful.
to 3 or more rows easy.
result and returns the url
using printf.

Date: Aug, 20 2002

Date: Aug, 19 2002

Date: Aug, 19 2002

Date: Aug, 19 2002
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