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PHP Programming Goodies

Hits: 184
PHP pages have a reputation
PHP Programming Goodies page.
A function to change an email
This simple tutorial shows
of being more difficult (or
Here you will find code,
address or URL into a
you how to execute system
at least different) to SEO
examples, tips, and tricks.
clickable HTML link using
command such as ping in php
than static HTML pages.
and display results. Code
Here’s an overview of the
and example is included.
major issues encountered
when trying to make PHP
scripts rank well. While
this focuses on PHP much of
it is still relevant to
dynamic pages in general.

Date: Dec, 29 2003

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Dec, 04 2003

Date: Sep, 03 2003
Learn how to send PHP to the
This tutorial will show you
It is a function that splits
If you need the data of an
background while you do
how to load a flat file and
any array to many pages.
array displayed in 2
other things. Great for mass
parse text to highlight or
Easy to configure number of
columns. Can be easily
mailing, number crunching,
even censor out a word in
maximum items per page. Very
modified for more than 2.
simple to use, then it
writes both your array and a
Page navigaton bar
automatically. New version
1.2 supports result
template, document title.

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Aug, 20 2003

Date: May, 19 2003

Date: May, 05 2003
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