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phpCrontab Tutorial Tool

Hits: 141

Storing Data in the Client

Hits: 137
One of the biggest problems
One of the things that all
in the use of scheduled jobs
programmers love is to write
via the Unix cron is
a program which writes
remembering the syntax for
another program. On the web
scheduling individual jobs.
we have two different
The phpCrontab Tutorial tool
programming environments:
allows the user to input
the client (browser) and the
preferred timeframes for the
server. Due to the HTTP
associated command, and will
protocol definition we can
produce a line that can be
write a program on the
copied/pasted straight into
server which writes another
your crontab.
program to be executed on
the client. Let's pick PHP
(of course) for the server
and JavaScript for the
client. We'll show you in
this article how you can use
this scheme to store data in
the client and then minimize
the data transfered between
the server and the browser
for interactive applications
like a chat room, a news
system or whatever you want.

Date: Apr, 23 2003

Date: Aug, 11 2000
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