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Switching From VB to PHP

Hits: 237

Creating Clickable Smileys

Hits: 236

Determine Browser Type with PHP

Hits: 234

Split an array to many pages

Hits: 225
This article focuses on the
A simple way to create
A brief tutorial on how to
It is a function that splits
switch from Visual Basic to
clickable smileys that you
determine the browser type
any array to many pages.
PHP. Several examples are
can add to a shoutbox, news
of your user on load.
Easy to configure number of
system, guesbook or other
maximum items per page. Very
similar script.
simple to use, then it
writes both your array and a
Page navigaton bar
automatically. New version
1.2 supports result
template, document title.

Date: Jul, 09 2000

Date: Dec, 10 2004

Date: Jul, 15 2002

Date: May, 19 2003
A function to change an email
Shows how to calculate an
The author notes "The
Easy to follow tutorial
address or URL into a
average of ratings example,
Java extension is an
explaining how to create
clickable HTML link using
given the accumulated total
extremely exciting tool. By
yoru own error documents on
of all ratings and the total
learning how to use this
an Apache server using a
number of votes.
module, you can extend PHP
.htaccess file.
by the power of all
available Java classes. To
show you the basics of the
Java extension, this article
will cover installation and
a few code examples of using
PHP and Java together."

Date: Dec, 04 2003

Date: Jan, 05 2000

Date: Jan, 04 2001

Date: Feb, 18 2004
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