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Split url in parts

Hits: 519

Dynamic CSS with PHP

Hits: 517
A spimple script to split one
When you write a PHP script
Need to generate style sheets
PHP pages have a reputation
url into parts. For example
and want to distribute it,
dynamically with PHP to keep
of being more difficult (or
if you need the domain only,
it must still fall under
presentaion logic together
at least different) to SEO
or the request string this
some legal terms. The GNU
or create environment aware
than static HTML pages.
would be very helpful.
GPL is the best method to
style sheets with PHP and
Here’s an overview of the
get your work out into the
JavaScript? This tutorial
major issues encountered
world, and of course as open
shows you how!
when trying to make PHP
source software.
scripts rank well. While
this focuses on PHP much of
it is still relevant to
dynamic pages in general.

Date: Aug, 19 2002

Date: Jul, 29 2002

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Dec, 29 2003
This tutorial describes a
Critical Information and
Reference counting is one of
HTML_Page is a PEAR package
PHP-Nuke Function to
about procurement Software
the hottest new features in
which is an XHTML Page
restrict access by page as
and the Free GPL developemtn
PHP 4. It reduces the memory
Generator. This tutorial
public or private. The
consumption of your PHP
will teach you all about it
function pageStatus(); is
applications, improves
and how to use it.
called on the top (or inside
Procurement Software is
performance, and provides
your root level header, not
critical to freeing
you with some sophisticated
the themes header) of all
companies from massive paper
programming tools. To get
pages. This will allow you
based purchasing.
the most out of this new PHP
to deifne in your admin
4 feature, it's important to
panel specifc pages and urls
understand exactly how it
that you want to have a
works and how it differs
particular viewing status.
from PHP 3. Topics include:
It explains a few ways to go
Data values in PHP 3, What
about defining which pages
is reference counting,
to have the
Advantages of reference
"public" or
counting, Reference counting
"private" status.
in PHP 4, Aliasing: added
Also the code for the
language flexibility in PHP
function is available.
4, and How will reference
counting effect you?.

Date: May, 29 2001

Date: May, 10 2004

Date: Apr, 12 2000

Date: Sep, 22 2005
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