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PostgreSQL and PHP Tutorial

Hits: 192

SQL Theory & How-To

Hits: 444
This is a nice tutorial on
This article addresses two
This tutorial explains the
In this Part 2 of the article
how to use PostgreSQL and
SQL-related issues in PHP:
need for database
"Building Next/Prev
PHP together. Topics covered
1) Creating complex,
abstraction in PHP, and
Buttons for Query
include: Installation of
powerful, queries to take
shows how to create your own
Results," you will be
PostgreSQL, PHP, and Apache,
advantage of your table
database API that can be to
shown a sample code designed
A Brief Introduction and
schemas, and 2) Building
used with different types of
to work in most instances
Basic Commands, Different
those queries on the fly
databases. The tutorial uses
(with minor changes).
Types of Data, Retrieving
according to user input.
a PHP PostgreSQL API as an
Data from a Database,
Inserting Data into a
Database, Updating Data in a
Database, Deleting Data from
a Database, Dealing with
Errors, and Including Files.
The tutorial is also
available for download.

Date: Jan, 08 2001

Date: Jan, 08 2001

Date: Dec, 27 2000

Date: Dec, 21 2000
This article describes how to
The author notes, "Last
This is an overview of
A continuation of the series,
make Access and PHP work
week we introduced you to
relational database
"Data Integrity Using
together using the
the basics of creating an
concepts, specifically
MySQL and PHP," this
ODBCSocketServer, an open
efficient database table
MySQL. It illustrate each of
article discusses the
source socket server,
structure. After today's
the concepts through simple
concept of auto_increment
available at
concluding article of this
fields in MySQL, to cause
series you'll be able to
MySQL to store a unique,
This tutorial will take you
create some of your own
incrementing integer in the
through configuring your
MySQL-powered applications,
field of each new row.
machines and using the
or use this syntax as the
socket server.
basis for learning to create
normalized databases on your
database server of

Date: Dec, 08 2000

Date: Dec, 06 2000

Date: Dec, 06 2000

Date: Dec, 06 2000
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