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SQLite Introduction

Hits: 339

Check Database Permissions

Hits: 596

Useful String Manipulation

Hits: 408
This article is intended for
A collection of 21 tips on
If you are the root user then
The correct usage of PHP
PHP programmers interested
working with MySQL database.
it will display all the
strings is essential when
in learning about the SQLite
Clear explanations and
databases on the server, but
dealing with database
extension. The article will
tutorial exercises are
if your not the root user
queries submitted from User
introduce the reader to the
provided on connecting and
then it will show all the
Forms, such as User
functionality offered by the
selecting MySQL database,
databases that your user has
Registration. Find out how
PHP SQLite extension,and
creating and dropping
permissions for. It's a
to format strings before
overview the benefits of
tables, inserting, updating,
really fun to play around
saving them in a database in
SQLite in relation to other
and deleting rows, selecting
with and can be expanded in
this helpful tutorial.
database systems. A basic
and looping through data
a variety of ways. It's
understanding of how PHP and
rows, searching by key
explained in the comments.
SQL work is assumed.
words, setting
auto-increment IDs.

Date: Aug, 07 2006

Date: Jun, 12 2006

Date: Jun, 11 2006

Date: Jun, 11 2006
Learn how to issue basic
Learn how to print all data
The author writes: Whilst
What is MySQL? How does it
mySQL queries using PHP and
in a mySQL table into a neat
working on the automatic
work? : And how do you work
how to properly validate SQL
HTML table to be displayed
production of web statistics
with it? This tutorial is a
queries before issuing them
in your web browser. You do
- came across the following
great place to get started
to the database server to
not even need to know the
problem: "How do I get
using PHP & MySQL.
prevent possible attacks or
individual field names in
relational data from an
Includes some code samples,
unauthorized access
the mySQL table, just
explaination and resources.
provide the mySQL table to
structure?" It didn't
use and the process is
take long to realize - I'd
complete. Easy to understand
have to use PHP to talk to
and can be adapted by you to
LDAP, pull off records &
suit your needs.
upload into a series of
tables, using the cn as
primary key. Which then
could be queried
relationally. Pulling off
large, queries and
repeatedly transcending LDAP
trees is pretty slow - so I
built my LDAP to SQL engine,
by flattening dns into table
names. Then used PHP scripts
to query & produce daily
snap shots.

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: May, 22 2006

Date: May, 03 2006

Date: Apr, 29 2006
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