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/** Search */



Connecting to mySQL

Hits: 482

Display a Database

Hits: 540

Add Row to a Database Table

Hits: 304
This is a small tutorial
This tutorial will explain
In this tutorial you will
In this tutorial you will
detailing how to connect to
the basics of core databases
learn how to connect to a
learn how to add a row to a
mySQL. It is easy to follow
in SQL without complicating
MySQL databse and get data
MySQL database using the
and can be pulled right of
with mySQL. Will show you
from the database and
power of PHP. This would
the site. Ideal for
the how to create and view
display it.
work great for a comment
newcomers to PHP that want
databases in the system and
to look at connecting to
how to create and run sql
scripts in the monitor and
phpMyAdmin further tutorials
will go into the basics of
tables following with
advanced tutorials.

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Dec, 13 2005

Date: Nov, 12 2005

Date: Oct, 31 2005
Structures_DataGrid and
This is the Full chapter 6
Learn how to handle MySql
Learn how to connect to a
DB_DataObject are two PEAR
from the recently published
databases in PHP
MySql database in PHP.
components, which can be
book 'Mastering phpMyAdmin
connected together, to
for Effective MySQL
easily display the data
Management'. The Chapter
contained in a SQL table,
'Changing Table Structure'
and let the user sort and
give a great step by step
page through it. With
guide with diagrams.
minimal typing, this
Publshed in HTML for your
tutorial shows you how you
can bypass the usual steps
of parsing GET parameters,
performing SQL requests, and
generating HTML content.

Date: Oct, 12 2005

Date: Sep, 06 2005

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Jul, 30 2005
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