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MySQL Essentials

Hits: 497
This is a quick MySQL
This article will briefly
This free, dW-exclusive
This is a short tutorial on
reference for your daily
describe how to compile PHP
tutorial shows you how to
how to program in PHP and
practice or for learning
with ORACLE 8i support. The
use two open source,
MySQL. Covers several MySQL
MySQL. This one page
author writes "when i
cross-platform tools for
functions via telnet
document includes most of
try to compile php with
creating a dynamic Web site:
command, and a short example
the commands you will need
oracle support on Solaris
PHP and MySQL. When we are
on using PHP with MySQL.
to create databases and
2.6 i got lots of problems.
finished, you will learn how
tables, run queries and
after tedious search in
dynamic sites work and how
process data. The download
internet i have found
they serve the content, and
file format in MS Word.
solution. I have following
you will be ready to serve
configuration: ORACLE 8.1.6;
your own dynamic content
PHP 4.0.6; Apache 1.3.19
from your site. After a
(Already Installed)."
quick registration, you can
begin the tutorial. The
tutorial should take you
about 1 hour to complete.
You can take it online, or
download a PDF or zip file
of the tutorial.

Date: Nov, 16 2001

Date: Nov, 12 2001

Date: Oct, 16 2001

Date: Jul, 23 2001
The author writes "mySQL
This is a MySQL CHM (Compiled
This is a detailed tutorial
PEAR's DB classes are one of
comes with a pretty powerful
HTML Manual), based on
intended for the PHP
the database abstraction
security system, the grant
original html-vsersion of
programmer interested in
layers. This article takes a
tables, which allows
manual from www.mysql.com.
learning more about database
look at some traditional
database administrators to
connectivity - using the
database access methods and
precisely control access to
ODBC standard. You should be
then compare them with the
databases, tables and even
familiar with PHP syntax and
method employed by PEAR.
specific rows and
have a working knowledge of
columns." This article
describes how the five grant
tables combine to offer
power users a tremedous
amounts of flexibility and
control over database access
and operations.

Date: Apr, 24 2001

Date: Apr, 22 2001

Date: Mar, 26 2001

Date: Jan, 18 2001
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