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PHP and MySQL examples

Hits: 798

PHP and mySQL Introduction

Hits: 1077

Php MySql Primer

Hits: 614
The purpose of these examples
A detailed introduction to
This simple tutorial shows
topics covered, - mysql
are to show you various ways
PHP and mySQL interaction.
you how to write form data
connections - error
to use PHP and MySQL. The
Includes detailed comments
to MySQL database using PHP.
handling - listing
examples include displaying
to help newbies get used to
Includes a sample code and
databases on a server -
all fields in the database,
PHP and understand what is
listing tables in a
random fields, sorting
happening in each script.
database - printing mysql
alphabetically and limiting
table fields into table
the results returned.
header - printing the data
into the table
automatically why should
you look at it? - no
specific fields mentioned,
just point the script at a
server, db and table and
watch it do its thing! -
you get to reuse the code
easily - no functions,
includes, api's or
anything - all 100% php +
mysql code for beginners -
runs on php4 or php5, with
any mysql version by

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2003

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: May, 03 2005
This is a PHP and MySQL
A collection of 21 tips on
Learn how to easily create a
Got a MySQL database with
tutorial. With code
working with MySQL database.
comment system. Don't know
content within it? Want to
examples like uploading
Clear explanations and
what a comment system is?
be able to search it and
files to database, creating
tutorial exercises are
Well, it's what you see very
display paged search results
guestbook, contact form,
provided on connecting and
often in a news system.
on screen? This tutorial and
Content Management System
selecting MySQL database,
Basically it allows your
script will do just that.
(CMS), User Authentication
creating and dropping
users to give feedback on
(Apache, PHP, MySQL database
tables, inserting, updating,
tutorials, news etc. This
and deleting rows, selecting
tutorial is definitley a
and looping through data
rows, searching by key
words, setting
auto-increment IDs.

Date: Apr, 29 2005

Date: Jun, 12 2006

Date: Nov, 24 2004

Date: Jan, 06 2003
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