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Hits: 702

mSQL Functions Demo

Hits: 196
The author writes: Whilst
This is the Full chapter 6
mSQL is a lightweight SQL
Putting your data into
working on the automatic
from the recently published
database engine for Unix
multiple columns with PHP is
production of web statistics
book 'Mastering phpMyAdmin
systems. It is extremely
a snap. This tutorial will
- came across the following
for Effective MySQL
easy to install and
show you how it is done.
problem: "How do I get
Management'. The Chapter
configure and it does a
relational data from an
'Changing Table Structure'
great job of handling simple
give a great step by step
SQL queries. This tutorial
structure?" It didn't
guide with diagrams.
shows you how to communicate
take long to realize - I'd
Publshed in HTML for your
with the mSQL database
have to use PHP to talk to
engine using various
LDAP, pull off records &
mSQL-PHP functions.
upload into a series of
tables, using the cn as
primary key. Which then
could be queried
relationally. Pulling off
large, queries and
repeatedly transcending LDAP
trees is pretty slow - so I
built my LDAP to SQL engine,
by flattening dns into table
names. Then used PHP scripts
to query & produce daily
snap shots.

Date: May, 03 2006

Date: Sep, 06 2005

Date: Dec, 26 1999

Date: Apr, 19 2005
This script is a real world
MySQL Administration
PHP provides built in
This is a MySQL CHM (Compiled
application that shows how
correctly administering the
functions to access just
HTML Manual), based on
to use MySQL with PHP. You
MySQL server, including the
about every database that
original html-vsersion of
can learn from the step by
manipulation the privilege
exists. MySQL is well
manual from www.mysql.com.
step commented php source
system, and making
designed, powerful and most
code how to build a php
intelligent decisions about
importantly free in some
program that uses MySQL to
the capabilities
situations. In this
keep a database of your
(permissions) given to users.
tutorial, you will learn how
books. Program functions
to access MySQL using PHP.
implemented include, saving
Main topics include: Create
a new record, listing of
A Database, Create A Table,
records for user selection,
Insert Entries Into The
selection of a record and
Table, and Retrieve All
displaying its details,
Entries Into The Table.
updating a record, deleting
a record and searching for
records. Once you have
learned the techniques used
in this program, you can
build any php-mysql based

Date: Jan, 23 2006

Date: Nov, 09 1999

Date: Feb, 24 2000

Date: Apr, 22 2001
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