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MySQL Database Handling

Hits: 756

MySQL Database Handling in PHP

Hits: 456

MySQL Efficiently using ADOdb

Hits: 508

MySQL Essentials

Hits: 499
Learn how to handle MySql
This comprehensive mysql
Learn how to use ADOdb and
This is a quick MySQL
databases in PHP
tutorials touches on
MySQL for a more efficient
reference for your daily
Starting a Session with
practice or for learning
MySQL,Executing SQL
MySQL. This one page
Statements against a MySQL
document includes most of
database and demonstrating
the commands you will need
how a SELECT SQL statement
to create databases and
is executed against the
tables, run queries and
selected database. features
process data. The download
full code and examples.
file format in MS Word.

Date: Jul, 30 2005

Date: Feb, 03 2006

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Nov, 16 2001
A collection of 18 tips on
A collection of 18 FAQs on
Learn the three main basic
One of the great
managing tables and data
connecting MySQL server with
data types used in MySQL and
characteristics of SQL
rows with PHP scripts. Clear
PHP scritps. Clear
how to utilize them to build
(Structured Query Language)
explanations and tutorial
explanations and tutorial
a more effective dynamic web
is the fact that one can
exercises are provided on
exercises are provided on
site. Lots of web developers
develop access and modify
creating and dropping
MySQL server connection;
use MySQL but not all of
data across various tables.
tables; inserting, updating,
providing port number, user
them harness the power of
There are several benefits
and deleting rows, selecting
account and password;
these features.
to this, including greater
and looping through data
selecting or creating
ease of manipulation,
rows by pages; setting
database; running SQL
increased speed of access,
auto-increment IDs.
statements; checking
and reduced data redundancy.
execution errors.
In MySQL (as well as many
other SQL languages), this
is accomplished via the join
command. This tutorial takes
a look at several types of
the join command including
The Cross Join, The
Equi-join, The Left Join,
and Self-joins.

Date: Sep, 25 2006

Date: Sep, 11 2006

Date: Dec, 03 2006

Date: Nov, 09 1999
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