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Alternating Row Colors

Hits: 585

Add a Row to mySQL

Hits: 220
Everyone who likes MS HTML
Alright, this is a simple
Learn how to add a row to a
This tutorial will hopefully
Help (.chm extension) can
little script which I got
mySQL database using a PHP
teach you some basics of how
now obtain complete
from some site a while back
to access data with your PHP
conversion of MySQL manual
which lets you alternate
scripting to gather
into this format. This
colors in a table as rows
information with in a MySQL
conversion tries to bring
come in from mySQL.
database. The first step
additional functionality and
you need to do is get a
make using of MySQL manual
basic understanding of what
more comfortable.
MySQL is. If your site can
handle or has access to a
MySQL database you should
try using the PHP Myadmin
application to help you use
and access your MySQL
datases fast and easy.

Date: Mar, 08 2004

Date: Feb, 27 2004

Date: Feb, 27 2004

Date: Feb, 01 2004
In PHP every database is
Learn how to use ADOdb and
After having worked through
A detailed introduction to
accessed slightly
MySQL for a more efficient
this tutorial you will be
PHP and mySQL interaction.
differently. To connect to
able to: * know how the
Includes detailed comments
MySQL, you would use
additional phpMyAdmin
to help newbies get used to
mysql_connect(). When you
features using special
PHP and understand what is
decide to upgrade to Oracle
seperate tables work and how
happening in each script.
or Microsoft SQL Server, you
to set them up * store
would use ocilogon() or
pictures inside a MySQL
table and view them from
respectively. What is worse
within phpMyAdmin * put
is that the parameters you
specific transformations on
use for the different
any of your columns *
connect functions are
create your own
different also.. That's why
transformations, even with
a database wrapper library
active PHP-code in it! *
such as ADODB comes in handy
create PDF pages of your
when you need to ensure
table layout, with relations
and individually positioned
<p> This
ER-models At the end of
tutorial has been translated
this tutorial there's also
into multiple languages,
some hints on getting the
including German, Spanish,
most out of your phpMyAdmin
Polish, Thai and Chinese.
config file, showing you
some configuration
directives which seem to get
less public attention.

Date: Sep, 05 2003

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Jul, 27 2003

Date: Jul, 22 2003
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