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DSN and DSN-less connections

Hits: 1513
Before you can get content
Do you get stressed out by
DSN stands for 'Data Source
A collection of 18 FAQs on
out of your MS SQL
mysql or other database
Name'. It is an easy way to
connecting MySQL server with
database, you must know how
queries? Do you use
assign useful and easily
PHP scritps. Clear
to establish a connection to
multiple databases and wish
rememberable names to data
explanations and tutorial
MS SQL Server from inside a
there was just one way to
sources which may not be
exercises are provided on
PHP script. This tutorial
handle all of your queries?
limited to databases alone.
MySQL server connection;
describes how to connect to
ADOdb is a system that
DSN-less connections don't
providing port number, user
MS SQL database with a DSN
executes queries to any type
require creation of system
account and password;
and without a DSN.
of database the same way, so
level DSNs for connecting to
selecting or creating
you only have to know how to
databases and provide an
database; running SQL
do it their way. This
alternative to DSNs. This
statements; checking
tutorial walks you through
tutorial will show you how
execution errors.
installing ADOdb on your web
to connect to an Access
server, and configuring it
database with a DSN and
to work with a mysql server.
without a DSN.

Date: Sep, 21 2006

Date: Sep, 21 2006

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Sep, 11 2006
Following examples teaches
For those working on php and
In some content management
This is an Easy Tutorials for
how to query a mySQL
mysql a server is mandatory.
scripts case one needs to
Beginners of PHP. With this
database and getting results
But what if you cannot have
create a database and also
tutorial you will learn how
in pages. Every page
a place to upload and modify
populate it (insert the
to Connect to Mysql
displays results maximum 10
or maybe you just want to
tables from the example .sql
Databse,Insert Data into
results in a single page.
develop your project
file). It's the case of
Mysql Database and Show data
privately and then install
PhpNuke for example. You
from Mysql Databse.
online? This is the
will learn here to create a
moment a local server is
new database in phpmyadmin
needed. Your computer can
and also insert the needed
"act" like a
information. There are some
normal server if you have
images too, to help you
some programs installed.
grasp the info easier.
PHPDEV is a free program
that, once installed, can
offer you the tools you
needed to work offline on
your projects and still be
able to benefit from all the
features a server has.
This tutorial will guide
you through all the steps
needed till you have a
working local server on your

Date: Sep, 06 2006

Date: Aug, 22 2006

Date: Aug, 22 2006

Date: Aug, 09 2006
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