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Dealing with special characters

Hits: 718

Php MySql Primer

Hits: 613
This tutorial will teach you
Ever see the little errors of
This tutorial shows how to
topics covered, - mysql
how to deal with special
unable to find a file that
store data into a MySQL
connections - error
characters like HTML tags,
is stored in mysql? Well
database and then retrieve
handling - listing
white space etc. from a user
you can use this tutorial to
it by using a PHP query.
databases on a server -
submitted form and database
add a little message so the
This wil teach you the
listing tables in a
viewers know whats going on.
basics behind the use of PHP
database - printing mysql
with databases. A VERY
table fields into table
good tutorial for beginners
header - printing the data
who are interested in
into the table
learning the language
automatically why should
you look at it? - no
specific fields mentioned,
just point the script at a
server, db and table and
watch it do its thing! -
you get to reuse the code
easily - no functions,
includes, api's or
anything - all 100% php +
mysql code for beginners -
runs on php4 or php5, with
any mysql version by

Date: Jun, 17 2005

Date: Jun, 09 2005

Date: May, 09 2005

Date: May, 03 2005
This is a PHP and MySQL
After reading this tutorial,
A quick tutorial explaining
Putting your data into
tutorial. With code
you should be able to add
how to alternate table row
multiple columns with PHP is
examples like uploading
previous and next links to
colors using PHP and MySQL.
a snap. This tutorial will
files to database, creating
your pages that display data
show you how it is done.
guestbook, contact form,
from a database.
Content Management System
(CMS), User Authentication

Date: Apr, 29 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005
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