In this tutorial you will
This tutorial explains how to
PHP4 is packed with good
This simple tutorial shows
learn how to connect to a
make a simple connection to
features. One of the most
you how to write form data
MySQL databse and get data
Informix and select some
popular is session
to MySQL database using PHP.
from the database and
data using PHP.
variables. These are
Includes a sample code and
display it.
variables that persist
throughout a session, as the
user moves from page to
page. Session variables are
great holders of state
information and other useful
stuff. PHP4's session
variables are stored in
files by default. However
for true scalability, it is
better to store this data in
a database using a database
wrapper library like ADODB.
ADODB supports Oracle,
MySQL, PostgreSQL,
Interbase, MSSQL, VFP,
Access, ADO.
Date: Nov, 12 2005 Date: Jun, 29 2000 Date: Apr, 14 2005 Date: Apr, 16 2005 |
This tutorial descripbes how
Learn the three main basic
This article is aimed at
This tutorial explains the
to make a simple connection
data types used in MySQL and
answering one of the most
need for database
to mSQL using a few PHP
how to utilize them to build
asked questions on the PHP
abstraction in PHP, and
a more effective dynamic web
mailing list and discussion
shows how to create your own
site. Lots of web developers
forums alike: How to store
database API that can be to
use MySQL but not all of
binary files in a MySQL
used with different types of
them harness the power of
database. This article is
databases. The tutorial uses
these features.
split into three pages:
a PHP PostgreSQL API as an
Setting up the database,
Creating the 'upload'
scripts, and Creating the
'download' script. Includes
the complete source code for
all the scripts involved.
Date: Jun, 29 2000 Date: Dec, 03 2006 Date: Oct, 17 2000 Date: Dec, 27 2000 |