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Paging Results in PHP

Hits: 2460
Before you can get content
Following examples teaches
Here is how to work with
Learn how to print all data
out of your MS SQL
how to query a mySQL
Excel files and PHP.
in a mySQL table into a neat
database, you must know how
database and getting results
HTML table to be displayed
to establish a connection to
in pages. Every page
in your web browser. You do
MS SQL Server from inside a
displays results maximum 10
not even need to know the
PHP script. This tutorial
results in a single page.
individual field names in
describes how to connect to
the mySQL table, just
MS SQL database with a DSN
provide the mySQL table to
and without a DSN.
use and the process is
complete. Easy to understand
and can be adapted by you to
suit your needs.

Date: Sep, 21 2006

Date: Sep, 06 2006

Date: Feb, 11 2006

Date: May, 22 2006
DSN stands for 'Data Source
This script is a real world
Shows you how to connect to a
A detailed introduction to
Name'. It is an easy way to
application that shows how
MySQL Server.
PHP and mySQL interaction.
assign useful and easily
to use MySQL with PHP. You
Includes detailed comments
rememberable names to data
can learn from the step by
to help newbies get used to
sources which may not be
step commented php source
PHP and understand what is
limited to databases alone.
code how to build a php
happening in each script.
DSN-less connections don't
program that uses MySQL to
require creation of system
keep a database of your
level DSNs for connecting to
books. Program functions
databases and provide an
implemented include, saving
alternative to DSNs. This
a new record, listing of
tutorial will show you how
records for user selection,
to connect to an Access
selection of a record and
database with a DSN and
displaying its details,
without a DSN.
updating a record, deleting
a record and searching for
records. Once you have
learned the techniques used
in this program, you can
build any php-mysql based

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Jan, 23 2006

Date: Oct, 07 2004

Date: Jul, 22 2003
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