This tutorial explains the
This is a short reference to
This is a small tutorial
This article will briefly
need for database
common data types of MySQL
detailing how to connect to
describe how to compile PHP
abstraction in PHP, and
database, a shorter version
mySQL. It is easy to follow
with ORACLE 8i support. The
shows how to create your own
of the one found in the
and can be pulled right of
author writes "when i
database API that can be to
MySQL manual.
the site. Ideal for
try to compile php with
used with different types of
newcomers to PHP that want
oracle support on Solaris
databases. The tutorial uses
to look at connecting to
2.6 i got lots of problems.
a PHP PostgreSQL API as an
after tedious search in
internet i have found
solution. I have following
configuration: ORACLE 8.1.6;
PHP 4.0.6; Apache 1.3.19
(Already Installed)."
Date: Dec, 27 2000 Date: Jun, 29 2000 Date: Dec, 13 2005 Date: Nov, 12 2001 |
This is a quick MySQL
The MySQL database is one of
One of the most important
This is the second part of
reference for your daily
the most popular among PHP
factors in dynamic web page
creating Web-based admin
practice or for learning
developers, and there are
development is database
user interface. This
MySQL. This one page
numerous well-documented PHP
definition. If your tables
tutorial covers adding and
document includes most of
functions you can use in
are not set up properly, it
deleting users via Web form
the commands you will need
conjunction with your MySQL
can cause you a lot of
using a MySQL database.
to create databases and
databases. In this tutorial,
headaches down the road when
tables, run queries and
you will learn how to make a
you have to perform
process data. The download
simple connection to MySQL
miraculous SQL calls in your
file format in MS Word.
using just a few of these
PHP code in order to extract
the data you want. By
understanding data
relationships and the
normalization of data, you
will be better prepared to
begin developing your
application in PHP. This
6-page article describes the
data relationships and the
normalization of data using
a simple example.
Date: Nov, 16 2001 Date: Jun, 29 2000 Date: Dec, 17 2004 Date: Jul, 29 2000 |