The author writes "mySQL
PHP includes functions for
Structures_DataGrid and
This free, dW-exclusive
comes with a pretty powerful
Open Database Connectivity
DB_DataObject are two PEAR
tutorial shows you how to
security system, the grant
(ODBC), which is useful if,
components, which can be
use two open source,
tables, which allows
for example, you want to
connected together, to
cross-platform tools for
database administrators to
connect to a Microsoft
easily display the data
creating a dynamic Web site:
precisely control access to
Access data source on
contained in a SQL table,
PHP and MySQL. When we are
databases, tables and even
Windows NT. An increasing
and let the user sort and
finished, you will learn how
specific rows and
number of PHP developers are
page through it.
dynamic sites work and how
columns." This article
using the ODBC functions to
minimal typing, this
they serve the content, and
describes how the five grant
connect to databases; to
tutorial shows you how you
you will be ready to serve
tables combine to offer
that end, the ODBC functions
can bypass the usual steps
your own dynamic content
power users a tremedous
are numerous and
of parsing GET parameters,
from your site. After a
amounts of flexibility and
well-documented in the PHP
performing SQL requests, and
quick registration, you can
control over database access
Manual. This tutorial
generating HTML content.
begin the tutorial. The
and operations.
presents how to make simple
tutorial should take you
ODBC connections using just
about 1 hour to complete.
a few of these functions.
You can take it online, or
download a PDF or zip file
of the tutorial.
Date: Apr, 24 2001 Date: Jun, 29 2000 Date: Oct, 12 2005 Date: Oct, 16 2001 |
This is a tutorial on how to
This tutorial explains how to
This tutorial will show you
ODBC is one of Microsoft's
create a web database
program Next / Previous
how to display data from a
earliest technologies for
application using PHP and
buttons with a dynamic,
database and allow the user
connecting to databases.
MySQL on Mac OS X or Linux
reusable class using PHP and
to sort it.
This article describes how
platforms. The example used
MySQL or PostGreSQL.
to setup and use ODBC from a
is a database to manage web
PHP perspective. Also
site links. The same ideas
discusses ODBC extension
used in this tutorial can be
bugs, database wrapper
expanded to most web
libraries, Microsoft's ADO
applications like phone
(which is Microsoft's
recommended API for 4GL
personalization, survey
programmers) and DSN-less
polls, etc... All are based
on inserting, displaying and
managing data in a database.
Date: Dec, 02 2002 Date: Nov, 29 2000 Date: Apr, 19 2005 Date: Jun, 24 2004 |